Podkładka koła zębatego 3321A003 for engine Perkins 1106
Price not available
Condition: Second hand
Type: Genuine
Ref. No.: 3321A003
Nr. mag.: 50545
Podk�adka �ruby wa�ka rozrz�du is Second hand, Genuine part part with reference p/n: 3321A003, for diesel engine Perkins 1106. You can also find camshaft bearings in this product category. The Perkins 1106 combustion engines are characterized by a compact design. Reliable Perkins engines have delivered power around the world for more than 85 years.
AGCO Supra-Coupe 7460, Genie GTH5022R, Landini Landpower 145 TDI Dual Power, Linde C 80/3, Linde C 80/6, Linde H 120/1200, Linde H 150, Linde H 160/600, Massey Ferguson 5475 Tier III, Massey Ferguson 7480, Massey Ferguson MF 6465, Massey Ferguson MF 6475, Spra-Coupe 7000, Spra-Coupe 7655, Terex SKL260H, Venieri 9015, Vogele Super 1800-2
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.
1106, 1106-E60TA, 1106C, 1106c diesel, 1106C-E, 1106C-E60 ETA, 1106C-E60 TA, 1106C-E60 TA Intercooler, 1106C-E60TA, 1106C-ETA, 1106CE60, 1106D, 1106D-E66TA, 1106D-E66TA, Tier III, 1106DE66TA - Euro3
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.